I have been enjoying Cathy’s Kitchen for several years now and have sampled various kinds of delicious breads, cakes and cookies etc. Each are perfect for any occasion and are greatly enjoyed by everyone. I have yet to decide my favourite dessert as Cat keeps creating new surprises from her magical kitchen. Thank you Cat for sharing your passion of yummy food with us!
What a wonderful dinner, so many delicious things to eat. I particularly like the baked croissant with bacon & celery, already asked my wife to try the recipe.
Hi Cat, look forward to your Christmas feast recipes, last night the turkey was super juicy, plus the appetizers, mussel and 3 delicious cakessss, what a great party, thanks!
Wow! Just love the Chinese New Year foods – they were really yummy… however, the 豬油 …. :P…. I think at least another 5 lbs would be added to my scale….
Dear Cathy: The Japanese Style Cheese Cake is simply yummy: so soft, so light, so smooth and most importantly not making you feeling filled up.
But one warning ahead: You cannot stop once you have taken a bite of the delicious cake. 🙂
Thank you Cathy for the fun time and the GREAT cake!!!
I have been enjoying Cathy’s Kitchen for several years now and have sampled various kinds of delicious breads, cakes and cookies etc. Each are perfect for any occasion and are greatly enjoyed by everyone. I have yet to decide my favourite dessert as Cat keeps creating new surprises from her magical kitchen. Thank you Cat for sharing your passion of yummy food with us!
多謝catherine 送的tiramisu, 我和朋友分享, 明明個個都話好飽, 竟然爭住添食, 一掃而空, 可想而知多麼美味!
最難得係她提供的食譜比一般製法簡易, 心動一試.
從來未煮過伊麵, 原來咁簡單, 一定會試!
Thank you for a really great birthday dinner, the carrot fish cake is very creative!
這個冰天雪地的新年, 收到你自家製的賀年食品, 無限温馨. 我最欣賞糖環, 除左好好味, 因為你親自教過我做, 知道好多功夫.
笑口棗好鬆趣啊! 糖環我就最鐘意係唔甜, 每年只有你俾我食咋! 好特別的賀年食品! 油角都係囉! 每年都係你俾我食, 今年啲皮好似厚咗小小, 皮薄饀多就最好囉! 多謝你給咁多好好食的賀年食品啊! 🙂
芒菓芝士蛋糕,你做到好食過街賣的! Taste sooooo Good!!!!
Hi Christine,
謝謝你, 很高興有人欣賞我的蛋糕。
今晚帶了這個斑蘭蛋糕去朋友家食飯, 飯後一齊食蛋糕,佢地大讚好味,仲叫我俾食譜佢地, 又話可以同我買斑蘭葉,真開心! 謝謝C9!
Hi Christine,
如果你知道在哪裡可以買到斑蘭葉, 請告知。
今日係第2次調配你教的沙律醬, 份量已經掌握得很好, 同你整的一樣咁好味. 你重未和大家分享這個食譜呀.
番茄飯好值得大家試下, 今晚我配焗三文魚, 無論賣相和味道都提升左.
Glad to hear that. You can send me a picture of your master piece.
我急不及待,回家即刻整杯咖啡,試試 Cat 的手勢,然后直擊報導:lavender chiffon cake 果然有股清新的薰衣草气味,就算闭上眼睛吃它,也能猜到蛋糕裏有薰衣草呢。
另外一件是芝士蛋糕吧。比较软滑。lavender chiffon 就比较有性格,以独特香味取勝,但不若芝士蛋糕软滑”温柔” : 以上係多伦多直擊報導。
The lavender 味道恰到好處, 淡淡的很清新。如果用lavender powder 會更好, 因為不會影響蛋糕的軟滑程度。
What a wonderful dinner, so many delicious things to eat. I particularly like the baked croissant with bacon & celery, already asked my wife to try the recipe.
HI bobo, So glad to hear that. You can send me the picture of your dish, and I’ll post it to the page.
No more left, became a mirror!
Hi Cat, look forward to your Christmas feast recipes, last night the turkey was super juicy, plus the appetizers, mussel and 3 delicious cakessss, what a great party, thanks!
Thanks for the birthday wishes – my daughter too!
You are very welcome. Me and my guests have eaten the cake on your behalf last night 🙂
The coffee and chocolate cake is really really yummy!!!!!!!!!
The chocolate cheese cake was really amazing – soft and yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!
Wow! Just love the Chinese New Year foods – they were really yummy… however, the 豬油 …. :P…. I think at least another 5 lbs would be added to my scale….
無所謂啦, 傳統係用豬油.一年先一次!
朱古力日式芝士蛋糕好好食! 入口鬆軟, 甜味適中, 好好味啊!
cake+coffee=my perfect breakfast
The Angel cake is really yummy! Just love it! ^O^
Dear Cathy: The Japanese Style Cheese Cake is simply yummy: so soft, so light, so smooth and most importantly not making you feeling filled up.
But one warning ahead: You cannot stop once you have taken a bite of the delicious cake. 🙂
Thank you Cathy for the fun time and the GREAT cake!!!
日式芝士旦糕超級好味, 食到停唔到口, thanks ah cat, 認識你是我的福氣!
Hi Christine,
Dear Catherine,
這個星期日我一定會照你的方法做茶葉蛋。多謝你給我的French Marone, 好好食啊, 不過我想如果淡些少會好啲!
I was so lucky to sample some of the Macaron. They were yummy!
I like the Cheese cake. Will you be making anything for Christmas?
排骨好簡單, 謝謝你.